Zinzino for a balanced life
Your path to personalised wellness starts here. Zinzino Balance Test is a dry blood-spot test for home sample collection that takes less than a minute to complete, and you can access your results online, anonymously, after is analysed at Vitas, a world-leading DBS laboratory. From the test, you will learn about your Omega 6 to Omega 3 balance, Omega 3 index score, your fatty acid protection profile, your cell membrane fluidity index & your Omega brain food index plus more
alumier md products
Selected AlumierMD products can be purchased after a consultation at Samantha Harrop Skincare & Beauty. A £30 deposit is required at time of booking, and is redeemable against products on the day of your consultation. Terms and conditions apply. Refunds will only be given with 48 hours notice of cancellation.
Enjoy leading-edge skincare products, customised especially for you.